
Family time

Today we are going to eat lunch with Justin's mom and step dad Phil and his grandmother. I can't wait to see everyone I miss them! I wished we could see the more and we need to try more. After we get done eating lunch and hanging out with them my awesome hubby (lol) is taking me to the movies yay! I am so surprised that he actually said hey we can go watch that hunger games movie you have been talking about I'm like really he never does this :). Let's just hope it isn't a April fools joke on me. Anyways this weekend I felt like we got a bunch finished at the house even though we don't have a lot to show for it. I know we will start getting to busy to start little projects on the house so anything helps. This next week we start our summer hours at the store yay for that I better be happy that I just have a job right :/ Anyway if I have time tomorrow during work I am going to do another post I hope everyone stays tune for that cause it will be extra special :) I hope everyone enjoys this awesome weather we are having today. Get outside and do something!

Mrs. James :)


Gran Gran

Today I ask if everyone can say a prayer from my grandmother.  I am still not sure of every detail but know that she is going to the hospital.  I know that my parents went to check on her last night cause my dad got a call from my uncle saying that he needed to get up to the house cause something was going on with her (if you do not know my uncle is paralyzed and it is hard for him to get around and help).  My parents said that she had some strawberries and she knows that she isn't suppose to have them since it messes with her diverticulitis.  She said she was fine so they went on home.  This morning my dad called to check on her and he knew something was wrong by just by hearing her.  I guess she was hemorrhaging all night and I think he said passed out.  The reason she didn't go to the hospital sooner was because she is keeping Kimberly this weekend as her parents are out of town.  So this morning we all were trying to figure out the arrangements on how to do everything.  I am still not sure which family member took her to the hospital and/or if Kimberly is still with them.  I just know that either way we would all love for some extra prayers.  Anything will help!  Thanks




Normally I only post once a week but today I am so bored while I sit at home trying to heal! If you all didn't know I went to the chiropractor yesterday and they said they were surprised my disc hadn't already came all the way out so they gave me some shots and adjusted me hoping that it will not and I will get better quicker instead of later! We shall see

Today I have been doing stretches all day trying to strengthen my back up but it seems to be hurting worse so I am icing it now and laying down for a while. Oh a good note I am very excited that Harry potter is on :). Makes my day a little better.

On another note. I don't know why some people are so grumpy I mean it is beautiful out there today smile people atleast you aren't laid up inside. Well enough of this I am going to try and take a nap talk to you soon love ya




We had a really good weekend!  We got to celebrate my best friends birthday Saturday.  I always love when we get all of our friends together especially when all of us are busy so we all get to catch up on everything!  Not to mention that the season has started for bond fires!  On a bad note, totally threw out my back that night (not from drinking) but from cleaning up.  I totally thought I could lift the trash up into Kendalls truck.  Well that was NOT a good idea on my part.  Yesterday I stayed in bed all day and while I am at work today it hasn't been very fun.  I am going to the chiro today to see if they can't get me back in tip top shape!  I have total confidence in them :). 

The main reason for me blogging today is because I want everyone to know how HAPPY I am for my husband.  I know he doesn't want any attention his way but I can not contain myself cause I think this is big!  He (not me) has decided that he needed to stop drinking.  I have always let him know that I support him with whatever he chooses to do but can not say that I am happy that he is making his life better and healthier!  Today makes the one month mark for being clean and clear of Alcohol.  I know that is hasn't been easy for him since it is still around him every weekend.  But HE makes the decision to not to drink and you have no idea how proud I am to know he is being strong.  I have talked to him and he says that it is hard and struggles daily with the pressure to drink but he knows that this is making himself better and knows this will help him in the long run. 

Also I want to thank everyone that has been supportive of his decision.  I know that a lot of people didn't think he was serious about changing his life style but as soon as they figured it out they have stood by him and that right there has made this a lot easier on him.  I am glad that he has a good support group that he can go to and that will respect everything he is doing!  So lets go for another month Justin!  I know that you will be tempted but I will be with you every step of the way  to help you or talk.  I love you!!!


Here are a couple from this weekend!


My Crazy Week

Hello Everyone!

Lets start off with some happy things.  This past weekend we got to go down to Alabama to surprise the boys!  We were soo excited to go down there and see everyone, but very sad that we had to come home on Sunday.  Friday when they boys got out of school we went bowling, and needless to say my skills have not gotten any better over time.  I have not been bowling in years and it showed seeing as I came in dead last lol.  Of course Collin came in first ( he liked to rub it in all night).  After that we got some pizza and ate back at the house since Collin had to go practice that night.  While the boys were gone Mandy and I took a little nap and rested.  It seem that we did this quite a bit this past weekend.  Traveling really does make you tired.  Saturday, Mike Justin and Gavin went to this auto show/race car thing,  they all said they had a blast, and of course Justin came back saying that he was going to race (not so sure I feel comfortable him doing this since he wrecks everything lol).  While the boys were out watching the race Mandy, Collin, his friend Kennon, and I went to the movies.  We got to finally see The Vow!  I have been waiting so long to watch it.  I loved it and of course cried but it totally made up for it that Tatum Channing is HOTT!!!!!  Who can't look at that boy with his shirt off and not sigh :).  After that we came home and started cooking out.  Mike did a AWESOME job on the grill, so glad he was in charge instead of Justin cause he takes 10 years to cook everything (no joke on that).  Later on we were just laying around watching some TV when Mandy neighbor, Crystal, came over and brought us some cupcakes to try and let me just tell you they were YUMMY.  I would pay her to send me some sweets every week if I could!  They were mimosa cupcakes with gold sprinkles on top.  I could eat them for days but then my diet would be shot to hell if I did.  Now I am craving some again!  Anyways on Sunday we were going to go a War museum on base but we decided that we wouldn't have enough time but definitely next time we will go.  Instead we went to the flea market and I am now a proud owner of 2 old windows and a scale for Justin to weigh his meat when he grinds it for sausage.  I cannot wait till I can fix these windows up and hang them in the house!  When we got back we were sad to let everyone know that we needed to get on the road to head home.  On the way back we saw a pretty bad wreck in Atlanta.  We are hoping that everyone is okay and pray for all of them to heal quickly! 
On the way back we were flipping through the radio stations and came across this Mexican station and we both looked at each other and were like yep we are having Mexican tonight lol.  We NEVER turn down Mexican food.  So we called my parents to see if they wanted to meet us when we got back.  I ate whatever I wanted to cause I knew Monday I was starting my diet and couldn't enjoy these things for a while.

This whole week has been a little crazy with our work getting ready for our Grand Opening.  Thursday surprised us quite a bit we actually had quite a few of our customers show up to look at our new place.  Everyone is so excited for us being able to move up and get this nice place. We are all excited to move up and show what we are really like!  I am glad that everyone loves the new place. 

So onto some bothering news.  This past week I have been having these bad dreams.  It has made me so anxious during the day.  I don't even like thinking about it.  I have been trying to look into and see what everything means.  I am hoping that I figure it out soon cause I just wake up crying every time and  hoping that it isn't true.  I think I get so scared sometime cause you know how you have some dreams that come true.  You know you will be sitting somewhere and you sit back and are like wait a minute this has happened before.  It may be because I have been thinking so much of Bro. Billy and the whole idea of losing someone close to me has just got me anxious.  I don't know but I wished they would just go away soon.

Enough of that!   I hope everyone today in the Tennessee area is safe today!  We are suppose to get some nasty weather around noon and on.  I pray that God will protect us all.  Love everyone and will be back next week!

Mrs. James ;)


Heaven gained a Angel

Yesterday I found out that my pastor from Richland Baptist passed away while out taking a walk and picking up cans in a church parking lot not too far from his home.  Bro. Billy Hill was one of the greatest man I knew.  I have so many memories of him from church and out of church.  Every single time I came to church he would always take his time to ask everyone how there were doing and ask if they needed anything and catch up what has been going on that week.  He always brought a smile to everyone's face and was always handing out big hugs.  This world will not be the same without him but I can only hope for myself to strive to live my life to the fullest like Bro. Billy did.  Always giving a helping hand, praying for everyone, and being there for us when we needed someone the most.  Not being judging but just listening.  I know a lot of people were touched by him and many lives were changed because of him.  I found this quote last night and it has helped me a little through Bro. Billy passing and I hope this might help a little with someone else. 

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free. I'm following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when I heard Him call; I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day, to laugh, to love, to work or play. Tasks left undone, must stay that way; I found that peace at close of day. If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh; a kiss.. ah yess these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow. I wish you sunshine for tomorrow. My life's been full, I savored much; good friends, good times, a loved one's touch. Perhaps my time seemed all to brief, don't lengthen it with undue grief. Lift up your heart and share with me, God wanted me now, he set me free.  

Still can't believe that Bro. Billy is gone but i know he is in a better place and will always be watching over us just like he has in the past. Can't wait till I see your smiling face again and get a big ole bear hug from you!


The Help

Last night we went over to Kendall and Ashley's to eat super which by the way was awesome.  Had some turkey and grilled vegetables YUMMY.  Anyways, we have been wanting to see this movie for a while now and they had told us they had it there.  I have to say this is one of the best movies I have watched in a long long time.  The whole time I was moved.  My emotions were everywhere when watching this.  How can anyone treat someone like they were nothing is beyond me.  I always think that I treat people the way I wanted to be treated and hope that I have never displayed any of these actions to anyone.  It makes you think more and more about how you should treat someone as equals not think of someone to be any less just because of their color of their skin or  religion, etc.  I see sometimes these days how people treat each other and it makes me sick to my stomach that really times haven't changed.  People are losing more and more respect of each other when is it ever okay to treat someone any less than you think you deserve to be treated.  I hope that after anyone watches this learns to be more conscious of their actions and then maybe just once someone sees you acting the way you should and they learn that is how you should act.  I hope one day I can teaches the values in my children so the actions that I have seen some much isn't being passed down every generation. Breaks my heart that this world can be so cruel.